Sick Call Security
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Doctors' Voice
December 21, 2024

Your Security

The Doctors Voice system uses 128-bit encryption and the latest in security services. Credit card information is passed via Secure Socket Layer (SSL), or Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) or Data Break Up (ABSDBU). Your name and the whole credit card number are never transmitted in the clear and almost always as separate data packets. This ensures the highest reliability and most secure environment.

The security icon at the top of the page keeps a constant status of the system's security status and you may change the status at any time by simply clicking on the icon. A brief listing is below:

indicates that security is currently on, but may be turned off by clicking on the icon.

indicates that security is currently off, but may be turned on by clicking on the icon.

Your browser (Internet Exmplorer in this example) also indicates the use of or lack of security when you are viewing pages. At the bottom of the browser window is an icon that appears when security is in effect and dissappears when it is not in effect. The following image shows the icon when it is in effect.

Internet Explorer example of a secure site.

Internet Explorer example of a non-secure site.

For additional information on security, please contact ADN at 1-972-228-1446.

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American Delivery Network